
Being a Müller in the Alsace region – a history lesson

The other day I wrote a guy on Tinder: “Hey! We already have the same last name!” because his Instagram handle said something with Muller. In the Alsace-region, the last name Muller is everywhere. An Alsatian history lesson. The German Wikipedia page says that Müller is the most common last name in the German speaking […]


7 weeks in Strasbourg: Halftime Show

Seven out of 14 weeks internship are already over. Its time for a halftime show! Here are some insights into my after work life in the Alsace region: Put on this song: And then click play and enjoy 47 seconds of my free time: Unfortunately, I can not use the song in the video – […]


Sunday morning vs. Monday morning

The Sunday morning is the most peaceful time of the week. Monday mornings are probably the most stressful. A photo series. Sunday mornings have a special feeling: the streets are calm, there are not a lot of people outside. The city seems to be sleeping. There is a special glimmer, almost a crackle in the […]


Culture shock

After you lived through it you forget it : the culture shock. But it still exists, and it makes life abroad, an internship or an exchange semester harder – especially after the first few weeks. Normally, the exchange period starts with the „honeymoon“-phase: you are very excited, everything is new, everything is awesome! Then, after […]

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My week in two identification cards

There is not much to tell you about this week: I worked, I studied and it rained in Strasbourg – it rained a lot. So, this is me in two identification cards: By day: By night: Jepp, that’s it. That was my week. Photos: my arte-Karte and my student-ID, age difference between the pictures: 4 […]


Living with a curfew

Two minutes before 6 p.m. – people are running home. And now the time has come: my beloved Greifswalders will have a curfew from Monday on. Let me tell you about the curfew in France to prepare you for what’s to come. I arrived 37 Minutes after curfew on my first day in France: The 10th […]


I crossed a red light before a French person – am I French now?

First week in Strasbourg: I ate a baguette in front of the European parliament, saw a demonstration and I complained about the French government as a conversation starter – let’s check some clichés about the French and see if I am transitioning already! Baguette. Yes, of course the baguette. I eat baguette, everyone eats baguette. […]